
It’s that time of the year again for the St Kilda Cycling Club’s Annual General Meeting!!

And in true SKCC style we’ll be turning this into a social event by combining with our awards night!  We’ll provide the nibbles, and drinks will be available at bar prices.


What: SKCC AGM and Awards night
Where: The Post, Cnr Inkerman St and St Kilda Rd, St Kilda
When: Thursday, 23rd of August, 2018 from 6.30pm


This year will be the 19th year since the inception of the club, and we’re sure you’ll agree that the club has been blessed with some committed and forward thinking Committee members over that time.

As you will be aware the St Kilda Cycling Club is run by volunteer members for members.

SKCC is known for doing things differently, doing things first…..and doing it with a sizzle!!

If you feel it’s time to give something back to the club and help shape it’s future, consider joining the SKCC Committee or a Sub-Committee.

Download an SKCC Committee Nomination Form or an SKCC Sub-Committee Nomination Form.

The club also requires 10 % of members eligible to vote (financial CA members and aged 15 and over) to attend the AGM, either in person or via proxy, for the meeting to be considered valid.
So if you can’t make it on the night download a proxy form here and send it in via the method indicated below, or give it to a friend to bring on the night.

If you’re considering nominating for the SKCC Committee and would like to discuss a role further, you can email current President  Evan Rolton.

Nominations for the vacant Committee and Sub-Committee roles can be submitted before the AGM, or on the night.
Proxy votes can be submitted before the AGM or on the night.

Nominations & Proxy votes can be submitted as follows:
Via email to
Via post to PO Box 420, Elwood VIC 3184


At the meeting, members will be asked to vote to:

  1. Confirm the minutes of the previous annual general meeting
  2. Receive and consider the annual report of the Committee on the activities of the Club during the 2017/18 year
  3. Accept the financial reports for 2017/18 year
  4. Elect the members of the committee for the 2018/19 year
  5. Consider and accept the proposed special resolution.



All Committee roles fall vacant as of the date of the AGM, with some Committee members retiring, and some re-nominating as follows:

Role Incumbent Nominations received to date
President Evan Rolton  Lewis Fulcher
Vice President Alison Raaymakers  Alison Raaymakers
Secretary Laura Parlevliet  Laura Parlevliet
Treasurer Anna Legg  Anna Legg
General Committee Members:
  – Race Director Lewis Fulcher Kath Simpson
 – Sponsorship Director Enzo Campagnoni Enzo Campagnoni
 – Communications Justina Lubkowski Aiden Buttgieg
 – Social Director Mich Pasmanik Mich Pasmanik
 – Training Director Alison Raaymakers Kay Doige
 – Womens Director Caroline Whitten VACANT
 – MTB Director
 – Track Director John Wyatt VACANT
 – Junior Director Terrance Hore


Financial Reports:

2018 SKCC Audited Financial Report Final

Special Resolution:

The SKCC committee proposes to update the Rules of Association and purposes for St Kilda Cycling Club Inc, and implement them as soon as they have been lodged and accepted by Consumer Affairs Victoria.

SKCC has been operating under the Model Rules for an Incorporated Association since inception, however we have recently identified a number of omissions in the existing rules and are seeking to address them.  In order for changes to be adopted, 75% of members eligible to vote who are in attendance at the meeting must vote to accept the resolution.

We propose that the club adopts the following purpose:

  1. to promote, encourage, foster, develop, extend, cycling in the Club;
  2. to co-ordinate, encourage, assist and support the legitimate activities of Members;
  3. to promote, organise and conduct, competitions and other events pertaining to cycling as may from time to time be expedient;
  4. to affiliate with CV;
  5. represent the interests of its members and of cycling generally in any appropriate forum; and
  6. ensure the Club is managed in a way that it does not have a negative net worth at the end of the Financial Year.

In the past 2-3 years, Cycling Victoria have undertaken a project to develop a set of Model Rules for Cycling Clubs, incorporating significant references to Cycling Australia, Cycling Victoria and our relationship with them.  SKCC committee have reviewed these rules and propose that we adopted a version (below) that is a hybrid between our existing guidelines and the Cycling Victoria Model Rules for Cycling Clubs, further strengthening our links with National and State bodies, without changing significantly the way we do business.

SKCC Rules of Association for approval at AGM 2018