Cardiac Screening
Just a reminder that SKCC member Maria Brosnan,  a cardiologist at St Vincent’s Hospital will be back at the crits one more time to conduct research via the recording of an ECG. Maria and her colleagues at St Vincent’s Hospital/ Melbourne University are measuring the prevalence of significant ECG abnormalities in a cross section of Australian athletes with the aim of making future screening programs more effective.
Ladies, many of you were unable to participate as your race was due to start, but if you can get to the crit course a few minutes earlier this week, Maria will be happy to include you in her research.
If you have any questions about participation or want more specifics, Maria is happy to be contacted by email or to chat on the day.
Road Closures
It’s the Melbourne Marathon this weekend which means significant road closures, notably much of Beach Road between St Kilda and Port Melbourne.
The map here shows you what roads are affected. You might need to allow extra time and plan an alternative route to get to the Crits.