Lewis is one of the hard working members of our SKCC Committee and still finds the time to race his bike!!  Lewis has been racing and riding since he was 14 while growing up in country Victoria before making the big move to Melbourne in 2009.  After many years of racing against SKCC, he decided it was time to give back to cycling and join a Melbourne club that he could be part of and help run. Lewis is currently Race Director for SKCC and has input into the weekly crits as well as helping with the Shimano SuperCrit.

Not sure how Lewis’s wife feels about this, but he’s a huge cycling lover and even planned his wedding so he could “honeymoon” watching Ronde Flanders (won by Peter Sagan) and Paris Roubaix won by Aussie Matthew Hayman.

Read on for more about Lewis…

  1. If you had a time machine & you could go back 10 years what advice would you give your younger self?
    Ride my bike consistently and frequently. 10 years ago I took too many days/weeks off at a time. Consistency is the key!
  2. If there was a movie made about your life, who would play you?
    I wish my life would live up to be like a James Bond/ Jason Bourne/ Oceans 11 movie!! Reality is watching the movie The Accountant without any of the exciting bits!
  3. If you could choose a superpower, what would it be?
    Fly like superman. If I can also have the 6 pack abs and the big chest as well that would be ideal!
  4. Who or what motivates you?
    I am motivated to have a level of fitness that I can compete at an A grade club level in racing and have a bit fun racing with my mates.
  5. Which emojis best describe your philosophy on life (Maximum of 3 emojis allowed)