Alex and Michelle

Alexander Ansalone has been a St Kilda member for a few years now, so his news saddens us all, and we’d love to help in any way we can. His fiancee, Michelle Buchholtz, has been fighting an aggressive and terminal form of cancer for some time now, and to add to their woes, is 26 weeks pregnant.

The very least we can do as a cycling community, is to let as many people know about Michelle’s fight, and to ask SKCC members if they want to donate to her cancer fight, and to promote it more broadly to their own friends and networks outside SKCC. Michelle’s treatment costs at least $600 per week, so Alex is trying to raise $50,000 to pay for it. So far, they have raised around a third, but they still have a way to go.

Check out Alex and Michelle’s page with their story and help if you can.