Ridewiser cornering

It was great to see so many enthusiastic cyclists at the recent Ridewiser SKCC Club Pro ‘D’ Grade Training Ride (CPTR) last Saturday at Sassafras.
Whilst I am lucky to be part of these rides as a Ridewiser On-Road Instructor nowadays, my cycling journey actually started in E Grade 3 years ago attending Ridewiser ROAD RIDES just like this one and the Inverloch Challenger training camp. Recently, I won B Grade again and got promoted up to A Grade level in my weekly circuit racing. I’m often asked by others now – what are the best ways to improve?

Well, there aren’t really any clear short cuts, you have to graduate up through the training loads, but some things do matter a lot more than others. Riders attending the SKCC ClubPRO rides were recently offered a free introductory class at the Ridewiser Ergo studios.  Do it!
I don’t think Rob Crowe SKCC ClubPRO and resident Olympian pushes the brilliance of his special training machines and the classes that go with them enough. I have been attending Ridewiser Ergo sessions at least weekly on average, consistently, for more than 5 years, and if there was ever a shortcut to improvement this has to be it (accelerated power fitness, improved pedalling technique, focused posture and breathing patterns for cycling).
I am not paid by Ridewiser to promote this, and do not receive any incentive to attend their sessions, I pay for every class that I attend. It is so brilliant I just want people who are time-poor and want to improve their cycling to know, that the weekly development of circular pedal-stroke, combined with the strength that regular Ridewiser sessions will build, cannot be found elsewhere.
In addition to this you will learn more from the ‘chatter’ during Ridewiser classes than all the bunch rides and coffee stops in the world. If a free into session was not enough of a carrot, then Rob’s offer to assess your PERSONAL FOCUS and training needs in order to guide you through HOW TO TRAIN is reason alone to get involved.
Give it a go, there is nothing like Ridewiser Ergo training to take you to the next level.

– AJ ‘Quickdraw’ McGrath

For more info or to book into the following events, please visit www.ridewiser.com.au go to the ROAD RIDES bookings pages or call 9534 7785:

  • SKCC C Grade ClubPRO Training Ride (Sat Feb 28th) – 9 spots left
  • SKCC Latte Laps Cornering Skills (Sunday Mar 1st) – 14 spots left
  • SKCC Inverloch Challenger Training Camp (Fri-Sun May 1-2-3) – 2 spots left

Exclusive to SKCC Members! Check out last year’s Facebook ‘Climber Skills 2014’ Album