This is Kay’s second year with SKCC and came to the club in a round about fashion. Kay’s friend Ell patiently mentored Kay on surviving Beach Road, appropriate cycling fashion (Kay learnt that apparently hockey socks are not the go) as well as assisting with taking the leap from riding a hybrid to a roadie (oh thankyou!!). Ell also suggested to Kay she take up track because Kay liked to go fast and is “slightly” competitive.

Kay happened to have also been riding with Laura (Parlevliet – also member of SKCC) from Breeze who also encouraged Kay to try track. Kay turned up for a beginners track session in the morning coached by the lovely John Wyatt and came back to race that night. Turns Kay needed a club to race and Kay needed a new track bike too. Kay joined SKCC as it’s close to Kay’s work for early morning rides and she met some awesome people from the club at track.

Read on to learn more about Kay….

1. If you had a time machine & you could go back 10 years
Stop playing hockey and get on your bike

2. If there was a movie made about your life, who would play you?
Obviously autobiographical; written, directed and starring Kay. 🙂

3. If you could choose a superpower, what would it be?
Make sure it only rains after 130pm on any day I want.

4. Who or what motivates you?
Good health and squeezing every minute out of the day.

5. Which emojis best describe your philosophy on life (Maximum of 3 emojis allowed)